Cari amici
Solamente queria darles las gracias por toda la informacion
sobre el Foro Social y animarles a que sigan con ese trabajo tan estupendo y
tan necesario.
Un afectuoso saludo
Ana de Felipe
Gracias por el
esfuerzo realizado durante el foro. sí que me gustaría
seguir recibiendo el boletín. Gracias y ánimo
Dear Fernando and all,
Just a word of thanks
for your communication about the World Social Forum and the Jesuit Family
meeting beforehand. I am
living in
don ward, sj
Dear sirs,
I do not know if you will receive this or if it is simply an automatic message postbox to which I write; but I wanted to thank you for
reminding me in the arid-hurly burly of life that there are people who rest in
the palm of christ and whose good work is worth
riches. I
admire everything you do and you are inspiring and exemplars of our beautiful faith, and I simply wanted
to say that, though I am sure that you know it already. The good that you do is
greater than even you realise
With all best wishes,
Dr Martin Lee Meenagh
SW15 2DR
Thank you for
beginning to format Headlines in more reader-friendly, smaller paragraphs.
I had almost abandond Headlines, because it
came to me in huge, rambling, indigestible blocks of type, especially
difficult to manage on a computer screen. Please continue to offer your
important infomation in short, concise paragraphs.
Your readers will thank you.
Grace and peace,
Katharine Watt
Many thanks for
keeping me informed re the World Social Forum in
Blessings on your
Mary M Monagle, susc
Merci pour ce journal
fidèle qui ouvre des fenêtres et donne de l'espoir. Il
est sûr
que, dès aujourd'hui, les quotidiens de plusieurs pays parelent du
Forum...C'est déjà quelque
chose. Comment interpeller davantage les
mentalités ? Car
c'est cela qui fait bouger les gouvernements. Merci à toute
l'équipe rédactionnelle.
Ottimo lavoro amici.
Ho letto con
interesse i bollettini.
Muchisimas gracias pela partilla del
vivido por ustedes.
Yo he comentado del interesante material enviado por ustedes y del modo
de las partillas hechas o dichas por cada una das personas presentes. Levantar
los puntos buenos y presentar las limitaciones son buenos signos de gente
responsable y creyente que podremos hacer más como individuos juntamente como coletivo.
Hoy pela manna he levado todos los materiales eniados por ustedes y mucho aprovechamolos.
Um abrazo de toda la amazónia brasilenna, arizete
muchas gracias de
vuestras noticias. Espero las siguientes
M.Paz Sagüés
Grazie grazie grazie
Per le informazioni
sul Forum
Sr.patrizia pasini
Thank you for your invigorating snippets from the SWF.
I have a question about a term that was used .
The writer , whom I would like to know is as well,
refers to having to 'vend' when he was young to pay for school and essentials.
He , and others . relied
on ' vending' . Would this be street sales of a commodity or service?
Please define if you can.
in peace,
Dear Jesuits,
"As I leave Kenya I wonder why we had gathered in Nairobi! For whom was the
World Social Forum organised? Is another Social Forum Possible; a forum
and for the poor; a forum of ordinary people? (Ngonidzashe Edward
This kind of remarks have been heard since WSF was started in Porto Allegre,
Brazil. There is certainly a grain of truth that the participants of the
Forum are "rich people," because poor people cannot afford to
fly thousands
miles, even in economy-class flight. Indeed, the
NGO-s are all well funded.
But, this should not negate the value of the Forum because it is about
"voicing." If each of us fight on our own, our voice will not
be heard. A
forum as big as WSF will definitely have bigger voice,
as it will appear on
most major newspapers and televisions around the
globe. Our struggle is,
first of all, how to make our voice heard. WEF have
been successful to make
their message spread around the globe because they
control the media. If we
are left unheard, then no one will care about the
poor. There is a certainly
the problem of elitism because those who voice
"the voiceless" are the
educated elite; yet, this is
Ignatius Wibowo, SJ, Indonesia
Headlines, Jesuit Curia, Rome
FROM: Fr. John F. Foster, S.J.
Matteo Ricci College
Headlines V
I am a Jesuit teaching at
First, some background. Helen Szablyah, together with her late husband John, escaped from
Her letter speaks for itself, but I wanted you to know
what she said and so I obtained her permission to forward it to you.
We in the Society are richly blessed by such dedicated
John F. Foster, S.J.
To: Foster SJ, John
Re: Headlines 2007-01 Special VI
I don't know if you have noticed
the following in the report:
another World Social Forum Possible?
the curtain comes down on the 2007
irony is this: where are the poor? Despite the noble agenda of the Social Forum
and the fact that it is taking place
in a city that has thousands of poor people and is home to one of the biggest
slums in
through the grounds at the massive Moi Sports Centre,
the World Social Forum seems to be more of a fun fair
for visiting tourists and NGO delegates, paying only token attention to the
poor people of Nairobi in the various deliberations.
There is a lot of merry-making, buying and selling, eating and drinking, yet
most of the workshops are
nearly empty, or are simply not taking off.
I leave
You know, I wanted to write to you
about that from the beginning of these reports, but it seems someone had
I don't know if you know that I
had been writing a weekly column for the Catholic News in Trinidad and Tobago
for over 10 years, which also went to some of the surrounding islands, among
them Grenada, even during the Communist times. (And I wrote a lot about
Communism too.)
Anyway, during the entire time the
population thought I was living in
Whenever we went on a sabbatical,
it always happened, be it
The churches of the
Maybe this mentality is what the
above person missed at the Conference.
Have you ever heard about
Archbishop Anthony Pantin? He was a Trinidadian who
became archbishop at 38 and served until his sudden death of a heart attack at
His first step was to move to the
poorest parish of
I wrote many articles about him.
He and the other bishops on the island bought a lot in the middle of downtown
Port-of-Spain, where they themselves grew sugarcane and worked in the fields
for all to see that no work is “slave work”.
He was the one who told a person
who complained about the many changes of Vatican II. “No matter how much the
Church is changing, you still have to love that person of a different race who
had raped your daughter.”
You would have loved him.
Qué lindos reportajes desde Nairobi!
Estamos cerca!!
Me gustaria muchisimo dominar el espanhol para escrivir
o que pasa em mis sentimientos.
Soy arizete Miranda Dinelly,
una mescla de indígena con no indigena,
hija de la madre naturaleza, loca por el calor del padre sol y fascinada por la
luna en sus noches de brillo cuando reflete la fuerza
de su amor por sobre las aguas del misterioso río amazonas.
Soy religiosa de la Congregación de Nuestra Senhora-
CSA (origem francesa, 1597). Há
algum tempo estuve en el equipo itinerante con los
jesuitas y otras instituiciones.
Quiero felicitar ustedes por la interesante contribuición
ofrecida al mundo. Me alegró leer sobre el forun;
la Mama Àfrica! grita de tanta dolores...qué
hacemos para escuchar sus lamientos de tantas
Oxala, podamos hacer realidad el encuentro real
entre las diferentes expresiones de fé, oxala respetasemos la presencia
del Dios que se hace presente entre los diversos pueblos.
Bueno, gracias por la partilla
un gran abrazo, arizete
Dear Editor,
Thank you for sending me your news. I read them
with great interest.
Greetings from
Alenka Kermelj
Muchas gracias por participarme de todas las buenas noticias que están
pasando en Africa. Para mi que la familia Ignaciana
este promoviendo este movimiento, tengo mucha fé en
que Dios los iluminara en todos sus proyectos.
Que Dios los bendiga y yo les mando un saludo muy respetuoso.
Ingrid jordán.
Muchas felicidades por este nuevo rumbo que toma la reunión, el que la
gran Familia Ignaciana este haciendo esta labor en Africa
me emociona, porque la unica forma en que cambie el
mundo es que sea guiado por personas con un gran criterio y un gran amor a Dios
como son los Jesuitas.
Que Dios los siga guiando y Bendiciendo y yo les mando un saludo
respetuoso, y gracias por mandarme las noticias
Ingrid Jordán
¡¡Mil gracias por los cinco envíos especiales en
español!! Mi
agradecimiento y felicitación por este trabajo tan valioso,
David Velasco, sj
Dear Fr. Franco and all at SJS Headlines,
Thanks for sending the updates on the WSF at
With regards
xavier jeyaraj
about the World Social Forum 2007
Dear Friends,
The eperience of the Forum so far leaves me
with a few questions. It is true that any fool can ask more questions in ten
minutes than the wisest man can answer in a lifetime, but maybe we should
reflect on them and look for some answers.
1) Why were there so few people at the Forum? The Kenyan 'Daily News'
reported today that some 42,000 people had registered - far short of the
150,000 or so who assembled in Mumbai or the last time in
2) Were the Jesuits present ready enough to learn as well as teach?
I don't prejudge the answer. As in any group, we differed quite a bit
among ourselves and that isn't
necessarily bad.
3) The one really effective, self-organised and self-motivated grou of collaborators in
'05 was South Asian Peoples' Initiatives (SAPRI). This time, they were
present in larger numbers and seemed to have grown to an independence of the
shelter of the the Society's wing. That could be a
very good thing. Or did they just find lodging where a daily timetable prevented
them from attending evening sessions of the Forum and other nighttime
events too constricting?
Brian MacGarry sj
If I were at the World Social Forum, I would give the talk below I plan
to give at
[talk attached]
jose frias
Muchas gracias por compartir con nosotros esta rica y conmovedora
información. Angela María Robledo
Estimados(as) amigos(as) y hermanos(as)
Primero que nada felicitarles por los éxitos logrados en el Encuentro de
Familia Ignaciana en Nairobi.
Segundo, gracias por compartir tan maravillosas reflexiones, testimonios
experiencias que ratifican y fortalecen
nuestra condición de partícipes de
una labor conjunta en las "cuatro esquinas
del mundo", por la dignidad y
respeto de las personas.
Un abrazo fraternal,
Lorenzo Soliz
A través de estos pequeños relatos se van tejiendo las imágenes de
historias y de otras realidades que en medio de las dificultades tejen nuevas
posibilidades... tejen la vida misma desde el amor.
Muchas gracias por compartirme
estos sueños, un abrazo, Carolina Tejada
21, 2007
Dear Father,
Peace of Christ!
I already
receive HEADLINES regularly.
No need to put me on your mailing list.
This latest
issue about the conference
in Narobi is simply wonderful. And why? because
I my heart had been opened to Africa as never before by reading Alexander McCall Smith's trilogy, THE NO. 1
- Random House, 2003. about
in the world who can read English
should read this, and this
trilogy shoud be translated into
every language!
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Sigmund laschenski, S.J.
Lux Mundi Seminary
Sampran, Thailand
Madrid, 19 de enero de 2007
Hola a todos:
Os envío a todos la segunda edición especial de noticias sobre el Foro
Social Mundial.
Elena R-Avial
Gab. Prensa Compañía de
Provincia de Castilla
[they have been faithfully forwarding each and
every issue of HL during the WSF]
Thanks for covering the Social Forum meeting. We read the lines
with a sense
of excitement. Please forward as many postings as possible.
Robert Athickal S.J, Patna
Grazie del prezioso
lavoro della redazione.
Camillo Ripamonti
San Leopoldo 8,3°A
28029 MADRID
Tel. +34913150228
skype: ripadoc
Cari amici,
grazie a tutto
il gruppo che cura
headlines per l'eccellente servizio da Nairobi. Ho molto apprezzato
la buona qualità della versione in italiano dello Special. Ho potuto stampare le headlines special e farle leggere ad altri confratelli della Comunità dei PP. Gesuiti dove in questi giorni mi trovo. Buona continuazione
della vostra presenza e della vostra collaborazione al World
Social Forum 2007 Il Dio della
pace sia con voi Fraterni Saluti Padre Luigi Di Pinto S.I, docente di teologia biblica, Facoltà Teologica dell'Italia Meriodionale, Villa San Luigi, Napoli
P.S. Attualmente mi trovo a Lecce (Puglia ;) presso
la nostra residenza S.I. Ciao!
Bravo et merci pour ce compte rendu
qui donne à voir , à entendre, à " sentir et à
goûter ' comment l' Esprit agit en notre famille ignatienne sur le continent africain( j'ai travaillé 10
ans comme professeur en Côte
d'Ivoire) . J'ai participé comme membre de la Communauté
Vie Chrétienne - France au Jubilé à Lourdes :c'est
merveilleux de nous savoir unis dans le même mouvement : louer , servir Dieu et nos frères dans la même élan
apostolique ! Amis dans le Seigneur ! Claudine Coirault
thanks for the
special edition. I just read it.
hoping and
praying for a good forum experience for all,
Joan O'Keefe, s.c.
Aunque con quince días de atraso, aprovecho para saludarlos por año
nuevo y
para compartirles el saludo con ocasión de la ppda. Navidad: HERMANAS Y
Todo el mundo pudo
ver la conjunción de los planetas o “estrella de Belén”
que hizo se desplazaran
los Sabios del Oriente o “Reyes Magos”… al llegar a
Jerusalén hicieron se pusieran en jaque Herodes y resto
de autoridades
(políticas y religiosas)… y recibieron las orientaciones clave para hallar
en un hogar de “una tal María”
al Anunciado por la estrella.
sólo ellos se desplazaron, Lo buscaron y Lo hallaron…
parecido a
1962 (inicio del Concilio Vaticano II),
1967 (su culminación y los
inicios de los cambios litúrgicos), 7 de marzo de 1967 (los inicios del misal
renovado)… y las reacciones
de los “tridentólatras”… y
de los “sede-vacantistas…
2006 (“elección” de León XIV)… y
propuestas de Don Emanuel Milingo y compañeros
Un gran abrazo por esta Navidad
y por los cambios que esperamos forjar el
próximo año,
Apreciado Padre Franco.
reciba mi más sincero y cordial saludo de paz en el Señor
desde tierras colombianas, más exactamente desde el departamento de Antioquía, Colegio San Ignacio de Loyola.
He leído el correo acerca del Foro Mundial Social que se lleva a cabo en
Africa, realmente emocionante el trabajo que la
Compañía de Jesús realiza en bien de la sociedad africana y desde luego en
extensión por la sociedad que busca mejorar sus condiciones de vida.
Simplemente quiero unirme a sus intenciones y confirmar lo que ustedes
bien dicen: un mejor mundo posible puede ser realidad si nos unimos todos como cuerpo
y dejamos que la mano de Dios obre sobre nosotros con transparencia.
Cuente con mis oraciones y que bueno que jesuitas colombianos que estamnos deseosos de trabajar en bien de la sociedad
mundial tuvieramos la oportunidad de vivir más de
cerca la experiencia que ustedes viven en estos momentos.
Con sincera admiración,
Juan Manuel Montoya Parra, S.J
maestrillo Colegio
San Ignacio
Muchas gracias por su información.
Desgraciadamente no puedo
participar directamente en
este foro pero
me interesa muchísimo lo que ahí se vea
y las conclusiones a las que llega.
Espernado leerlos y muchas
gracias por estas
Silvia Conde
[she has then sent a shorter thank you note
after every HL that we have sent]
Cari amici,
buon lavoro
a Nairobi,
Giovanni Silvano
Estimados amigos. Gracias por enviar las últimas noticias especiales. Tendré en cuenta en mis oraciones el desarrollo y la participación en
el Foro Social Mundial en
Nairobi. Ciertamente es una
misión especial de la Compañía.
In Domino, Antonio Hernández, sj
Le thèmes du Forum semblent plus larges, pourquoi la
famille ignatienne n'intègre pas les phénomènes
"enfants de et dans les rues", la formation et l'information, la
pauvreté et les pauvres pour en débattre à partir de l'Afrique ? Qu'apporte de concret ces forums ? Uniquement la foire aux
idées et débats ou de réalisations aussi ? J'imagine que nous sommes en
interactivité, qu'on peut discuter.
Max Kupelesa
Un cordial bonjour de Montréal, Canada, sous la neige!
D'abord sachez que vous êtes tous et toutes en mes prières, je demande au
Seigneur de vous accorder courage et discernement. En guise d'amitié, je vous
présente de manière virtuelle, une de mes dernières toiles: "........ils
partirent la nuit.....", ce sont les péricopes de Mt.2: 13-15; et Jn.I: XI-15 qui sont à l'origine de cette toile.. Je me laisse toujours interpellé par l'Écriture et
vient un moment que le sujet s'impose à moi, alors à main levée je prends mes
crayons et trace un croquis, puis, ce sont mes pinceaux qui viennent traduire
ma démarche spirituelle.... Encore une fois merci de me tenir au courant de vos
apostolats, vous êtes en mes prières.
In Xto
Léonard Bélanger, s.j.
Caro p. Franco, ho ricevuto Headlines di gennaio con i documenti preparatori del WSF di Nairobi.
Sono stato per anni direttore di JRS e procuratore delle missioni e ho una certa conoscenza di Madagascar e
Sri Lanka e un po' del terzo mondo.
Mi colpisce che tra gli argomenti
trattati manchi qualunque accenno ai problemi della difesa della vita
dal concepimento al suo naturale tramonto. Lei sa bene che sono temi
che oggi dividono i dibattiti tra gli addetti
ai lavori e c'è tutta una linea
culturale, di pensiero e di azione che si oppone ad essi pur parlando di campagne anti
AIDS, di pace e difesa dell'ambiente.
Ma tutto si tiene e non si può parlare di questi senza trattare
anche i temi pro life! Io ritengo
che come gesuiti dobbiamo aver presenti tali
tematiche cruciali e ben presenti nell'attuale magistero della chiesa per la difesa
integrale della persona umana e farle ben risuonare nei consessi
internazionali anche a costo
di essere non ben accetti. Voglia gradire i miei più fraterni saluti e resto a sua disposizione
qualora si volesse approfondire e portare avanti la riflessione su
quanto detto., p.
Carlo Sorbi s.i.