Secretariat for Education
The secretariat animates the Jesuit School network throughout the world in its mission of offering a holistic education to the new generations. It aims to help Jesuit institutions be part of our living tradition of academic excellence and service to faith and justice and the new commitment to the environment. ICJSE Vision Statement
New Schools
![]() Cristo Rey Jesuit High School Milwaukee website --- September 2015 Newsletter Loyola Jesuit Secondary School (LJSS) Secondary School will be opened in September 2015 Kasungu, Malawi website --- report (***NEW - english) Jesuit Memorial College Secondary School open since September 2013 Port Harcourt, Nigeria Colegio Santo Inácio de Loiola Secondary School open since January 2013 Kasait, Dili, East Timor Gimnazjum Jezuitów im. Sw. Stanislawa Kostki Secondary School open since September 2012 Kraków, Poland ![]() |
Events & News
Educators also formed Published October 20, 2015 International Fe y Alegría Congress Colombia; October 16 to 18, 2015 Congress "Educating Today and Tomorrow: A Renewing Passion" Rome, Italy; November 18-21, 2015 ENTRECULTURAS - Bulletin December 2014 FIFyAenRed - Bulletin Federación Internacional Fe Y Alegría November/December 2014 ENTRECULTURAS - Bulletin November 2014 SIPEI - November 2nd – 8th, 2014 Halfway mark of the in-person SIPEI: have you logged on yet? ENTRECULTURAS - Bulletin October 2014 MAGIS MINUTE - (October 2014) Cristo Rey Jesuit Makes NASA History! FLACSI News - October 2014 (Federación Latinoamericana de Colegios de la Compañía de Jesús) Fe y Alegría Nicaragua - Symposium on Information. JSEA Bulletin Presentation Ignatians for Haiti (Federación Latinoamericana de Colegios de la Compañía de Jesús) FLACSI News September 2014 (Federación Latinoamericana de Colegios de la Compañía de Jesús) JCAP Colloquium 2014 --- FOLLOW-UP St. Ignatius’ College, Riverview, Sydney, Australia; July 8–12, 2014 Delegates' Meeting for JECSE Berlin, Germany; November 26-29, 2014 Conference for Secondary Heads After the European Elections, what are the new challenges in education today? How can Ignatian pedagogy help us? Strasbourg, France; October 7-10, 2014 2nd Meeting of FLACSI Principals Quito, Ecuador; September, 2014 JCAP Colloquium 2014 St. Ignatius’ College, Certificate: Ignatian Social Management Bogotá, Colombia; March 18 - November 18, 2014 Delegates' Meeting for JECSE "Secularization and the link between Ignatian Spirituality and the Church" Cracow, Poland; November 20-23, 2014 ![]()
Focus on
New ***Statistics 2017***
Address of Fr. General to the
Address of Fr. General
***Statistics 2015*** Educate Magis News: Vol 1, Issue 3 Educate Magis News: Vol 1, Issue 2 Interview with Fr. Alberto Mesa Javeriana Estéreo Cali - July 30, 2015
Video streaming, vision statement and final assessments ***Statistics 2014*** Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Secretariat and the International Baccalaureate (IB) Education at the margins Reflections on Jesuit Education Today from the US perspective Vision and leadership of Ignatius of Loyola for quality education Official song for Ignacianos por Haití ”Todas mi penas se van“ Entreculturas - Educational Advocacy JSEA December Bulletin and ACT Report New Website for Virtual Center of Ignatian Pedagogy (CVPI) - CPAL A New school in the Province of Central Africa Central Africa Province website MAGISine October HORIZON 2020 – Jesuïtes Educació Jesuit Education, the new Pope and Hope in the Church Colégio de Santo Inácio de Loiola had the chance to experience Peace and Reconciliation Colegio del Salvador launches the Annual Huellas 2012 New website of the Spanish Jesuits on Education New website for JSEA in late January Keynote Speakers at The International Colloquium on Jesuit Secondary Education The Help in Education for Examen 2012. An Analysis of the Spanish Cooperation in 2007-2010 WUJA Congress on Facebook ![]() |