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Posted: October 23

Changing seasons

(Rome) Sometimes it just isn't fair. I am always looking for good stories for this blog, and last week I heard hour after hour of great stories—but I cannot use any of them. The stories came from people at a retreat I was giving in a center in the south of the city. So of course I willingly honor their confidentiality, but bemoan not being able to share their stories, which were pretty interesting. I find these retreats a great joy because I get to talk about God rather than computers or meetings. (Remember the paraphrase of the Gospel remark: "God so loved the world that he sent His only Son and not a committee"?) At least I can say that the fall weather in Rome was glorious, dry and a bit cool; and I had many opportunities to slip outside and wander around the grounds during the day. The weather has already started to change, however, with some rains coming after the long summer dry spell. I went out bicycling yesterday and smelled the rich bouquet of wet leaves on the paths which always reminds me of Fall.

Saturday and Sunday were spent in my new painting studio: wow. I feel like I am dreaming, it is so nice. For the past six years I have been using a bedroom down on the first floor as a studio. It has a single medium-sized window facing north, but all the light bounces off the ochre wall of the school across the street. So I was very content to have the room, but aware of its limitations. As the Curia prepares to host the general congregation in January 2008, all of the available rooms for guests are being renovated. So I had to give up the studio, but the minister (who is in charge of the house) graciously swapped me a room on the terrazzo or roof of the building. It is much bigger, but it also has two windows, one of which is the whole side wall. And all of the light is direct from the sky. It is bright and roomy, and the view is directly over to the dome of St. Peters. Pretty amazing for a lad from the Colorado mountains. I don't know whether it will actually improve my painting, but it has already motivated me to work harder. Even though the end of summer means shorter days and overcast skies at times, this new studio will let me keep painting in peace.

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