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Posted: July 3

Happy Onomastico Day- St. Thomas

Living in Rome is not difficult, and easily becomes taken for granted, but I still am caught by surprise when I go into the dining room for breakfast and many people come up to me to wish me a Happy Onomastico. The custom here in the Curia is to celebrate the feast day of the saint for whom one is named. I have chosen St. Thomas the Apostle, whose feast the Church celebrates today. So July 3 becomes as much my day as my birthday.

I could have chosen St. Thomas Aquinas, but I am not nearly as strong in the theology department as in the area of doubts. Perhaps that comes with living in a Post-Modern, ironic age. (It has taken me four postingss to get the term Post-Modern into my web log, but I finally did it.) Actually, I think St. Thomas the Apostle gets unfairly labeled for the doubts he expressed about the resurrection of the Lord. Before Pentecost, all the apostles, especially including Peter, was terrified and unable to understand. Poor Thomas simply expressed what everyone else felt, so he gets known throughout the centuries as the Doubter. I think he expressed a very reasonable skepticism, and that he deserves credit for the very speedy reversal he executed once he actually encountered Jesus. I don't mind being a bit slow on the beginning of faith as long you respond appropriately once the Lord takes you by the hand.

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