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Posted: August 11

Back to Work (?)

Rome is famous for being miserable during August, and most Romans know enough to be anywhere else during this month when the ancient city swelters. The heat is even more oppressive this year with the "counter cyclone" sitting over Europe and pulling up desert air out of Africa. Not being a Roman, I returned here after almost a month in the United States. (As my mother used to say, "Tom is not too bright, but at least he's slow.") One big advantage to being here during August is that street traffic is way down so it is much easier to go bicycling. Of course, you can't stay out on the streets too late in the morning or your tires melt, but it is at least one advantage.

The Missouri Province held one of its rare convocations to gather all members for a few days of reflection, celebration and discussion. The convocation provided a good stage for the change of provincials from Fr. Frank Reale to Fr. Tim McMahon. Frank has been excellent and I have high hopes for Tim. Even though our province is becoming older and smaller, as are many other provinces, we are starting new initiatives because there are apostolic needs we recognize and can meet. The newest initiative is a Cristo Rey-type in North Denver. There are only two Jesuits on the staff, but many businesses have signed up to provide jobs for the high school students who study four days a week and work one day. Companies provide an entry-level job that five students share; class scheduling is a little complicated because all the Monday workers, for example, have classes from Tuesday to Friday, and so on for each day. The jobs pay for most of the tuition and make it possible for gifted students from very poor families to have a private education and to get exposure to the world of business.

The convocation was very good but tiring because of seeing so many friends that I don't normally run into; the Society of Jesus is very international and even those men who have stayed in the U.S. are scattered all over the country. Many friends commented on how lucky I am to be able to travel—it only sounds glamorous. On the way back to Rome a thunderstorm in New York City postponed my plane's arrival five hours. I missed the day's only flight to Rome and had to wait until the following day before I could leave. So actually I was very relieved to get back home, despite the kvetching above. The garden needs some attention, and I can't wait to get started painting. And there is lots to plan for the coming year. Yeah, back to work sounds all right.

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