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Magazine or journal: Review of Ignatian Spirituality (CIS)

Country Italy
Year started 1970
Language English
Website http://www.sjweb.info/cis/
Email cissect@sjcuria.org
Description         The Review of Ignatian Spirituality [CIS], offers an international forum on the spirituality rooted in the Spiritual Exercises of St.Ignatius, to members of the Society of Jesus, of other Ignatian congregations, of Christian Life Communities and to lay men and women of the Ignatian Apostolic Network. The journal has three issues each year, reaching all continents, with editions in English, Spanish and French. Each issue is basically monographic focussing on one central theme. Authors of different cultures and background are invited to write on the subject thus favouring an intercultural thrust.

        The articles, chronicles and other accounts give a universal picture of the way in which the Spiritual Exercises are being studied and given today, but also of recent studies on the Constitutions of the Society of Jesus and Ignatius’ other writings such as the Autobiography and Letters. During the last years, personal and common spiritual discernment together with spiritual accompaniment in the Ignatian tradition, featured prominently in our Review of Ignatian Spirituality.

        Through our web-page http://www.sjweb.info/cis/.all articles of the last eight years of Review of Ignatian Spirituality can be reached and printed.