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Magazine or journal: Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education

Country United States of America
Year started 1992
Language English
Website http://www.marquette.edu/library/collections/archives/Conversations/
Description Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education is published by the National Seminar on Jesuit Higher Education, which is jointly sponsored by the Jesuit Conference Board and the Board of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities. Conversations was founded in 1992, as a concrete response to "Assembly 1989," a meeting of Jesuits and representatives from Jesuit higher education held at Georgetown University.
The magazine appears twice a year, in fall and spring. Principal distribution is to faculty, administrators, and staff of the twenty-eight Jesuit colleges and universities and two theologates in the United States. Each issue focuses on a theme discussed and decided upon by members of the National Seminar, who seek to discern topics and issues which will be of significance to the thirty institutions. The purpose of the magazine is to encourage serious conversations on the nature of Jesuit higher education, and ways in which all who participate in that mission may better achieve it.