The Jesuit Curia in Rome


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La visite du Père Général au Vietnam - 2015

Le Père Général est arrivé au Vietnam le 17 janvier 2015 pour visiter la province et participer au 400ème anniversaire de l’arrivée des jésuites dans ce pays. Il a été accompagné du père Daniel Patrick Huang, Assistant Régional pour l’Asie Pacifique, et du Père Antoine Kerhuel, Assistant Régional pour l’Europe Occidentale. La veille de la clôture du jubilé, le Père Général a présidé l’eucharistie au cours de laquelle il a reçu les derniers vœux de 11 jésuites, en la chapelle du scolasticat jésuite saint Joseph.
Le Père Général a, en outre participé à la rencontre de la conférence des Provinciaux de l'Asie Pacifique, du 19 au 23 janvier 2015, au centre pastoral de l'archidiocèse à Ho Chi Minh City. Il y avait aussi le Président de la conférence de l'Europe, le Père John Dardis, ainsi que le père Antoine Kerhuel. Le 23 janvier 2015, le Père Général est arrivé à la paroisse jésuite de Ho Chi Minh City et a été accueilli par 178 candidats jésuites du Vietnam. Le samedi 24 janvier, il a rencontré les jésuites formés dans la matinée, et les jésuites en formation dans l'après-midi. La Province du Vietnam compte 212 membres dont un évêque, 55 prêtres, 96 scolastiques, 18 frères et 42 novices.
Avant de quitter le Vietnam, le Père Général a rencontré l'archevêque Leopoldo Girelli, Représentant Pontifical au Vietnam. Il a aussi salué d'autres autorités ecclésiastiques, comme il le fait souvent. A midi, il a béni la nouvelle maison de retraite de la province, et visité la communauté de la Sainte Famille à Dong Nai, à 40 km de Ho Chi Minh City.



At the Airport

At Airport (10) At Airport (2) At Airport (5) At Airport (6) At Airport (8)

Final vow Mass

Final vow Mass (1) Final vow Mass (12) Final vow Mass (13) Final vow Mass (15) Final vow Mass (19) Final vow mass (20) Final vow Mass (4) Final vow Mass (5) Final vow Mass (6) Final vow Mass (7) Final vow Mass (9) FinalVow  (1) FinalVow  (10) FinalVow  (2) FinalVow  (3) FinalVow  (4) FinalVow  (5) FinalVow  (6) FinalVow  (7) FinalVow  (8) FinalVow  (9)

Closing Mass of Jubilee

Closing Mass of Jubilee (1) Closing Mass of Jubilee (10) Closing Mass of Jubilee (13) Closing Mass of Jubilee (14) Closing Mass of Jubilee (15) Closing Mass of Jubilee (17) Closing Mass of Jubilee (19) Closing Mass of Jubilee (2) Closing Mass of Jubilee (23) Closing Mass of Jubilee (24) Closing Mass of Jubilee (28) Closing Mass of Jubilee (3) Closing Mass of Jubilee (34) Closing Mass of Jubilee (35) Closing Mass of Jubilee (36) Closing Mass of Jubilee (37) Closing Mass of Jubilee (39) Closing Mass of Jubilee (4) Closing Mass of Jubilee (40) Closing Mass of Jubilee (44) Closing Mass of Jubilee (45) Closing Mass of Jubilee (47) Closing Mass of Jubilee (5) Closing Mass of Jubilee (51) Closing Mass of Jubilee (52) Closing Mass of Jubilee (55) Closing Mass of Jubilee (58) Closing Mass of Jubilee (59) Closing Mass of Jubilee (6) Closing Mass of Jubilee (61) Closing Mass of Jubilee (8) Closing Mass of Jubilee (9)

JCAP Meeting

 JCAP Meeting (1)  JCAP Meeting (3)  JCAP Meeting (6)

Visiting Candidate House

 Visit Candidate House (1)  Visit Candidate House (11)  Visit Candidate House (13)  Visit Candidate House (14)  Visit Candidate House (16)  Visit Candidate House (17)  Visit Candidate House (3)  Visit Candidate House (4)  Visit Candidate House (6)  Visit Candidate House (7)  Visit Candidate House (8)

Meeting with Jesuits

Meeting with Jesuits Meeting with Jesuits Meeting with Jesuits Meeting with Jesuits Meeting with Jesuits Meeting with Jesuits Meeting with Jesuits Meeting with Jesuits Meeting with Jesuits Meeting with Jesuits Meeting with Jesuits Meeting with Jesuits

Meeting with the Archbishop

Visit the Archbishop (1) Visit the Archbishop (12) Visit the Archbishop (3) Visit the Archbishop (4) Visit the Archbishop (7) Visit the Archbishop (8)

Blessing the retreat house and visit the holy family community

Blessing the retreat house and visit the holy family community (1) Blessing the retreat house and visit the holy family community (10) Blessing the retreat house and visit the holy family community (11) Blessing the retreat house and visit the holy family community (12) Blessing the retreat house and visit the holy family community (14) Blessing the retreat house and visit the holy family community (17) Blessing the retreat house and visit the holy family community (18) Blessing the retreat house and visit the holy family community (2) Blessing the retreat house and visit the holy family community (20) Blessing the retreat house and visit the holy family community (21) Blessing the retreat house and visit the holy family community (3) Blessing the retreat house and visit the holy family community (4) Blessing the retreat house and visit the holy family community (5) Blessing the retreat house and visit the holy family community (6) Blessing the retreat house and visit the holy family community (9) jquery lightbox galleries by v5.6