The Jesuit Curia in Rome


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Le Père Général - Asie Pacifc - 2014

Du 14 au 17 janvier, le Père Général a visité la Province de Corée, une Province jeune et en croissance, avec 174 membres et un âge moyen de seulement 43 ans. En plus d'une rencontre avec les jésuites de la Province (et une session séparée avec ceux en formation), il s'est adressé aux administrateurs, aux professeurs et au personnel de l'Université jésuite de Séoul, Sogang. Il a eu aussi l'occasion de rencontrer quelques évêques coréens, dont l'archevêque de Séoul récemment nommé cardinal, Mgr Andrew Yeom.

De Corée, le Père Général s'est ensuite rendu à Dili, au Timor Oriental, pour assister à l'Assemblée des Supérieurs majeurs de la Conférence d'Asie Pacifique (dont le Père Général a été Président), et pour visiter la Région indépendante du Timor Oriental (dont il fut supérieur majeur). Avec 52 jésuites, dont la plupart sont encore en formation en dehors du pays, le Timor Oriental a un âge moyen d'à peu près 27 ans. Après avoir rencontré les jésuités de la Région, le Père Général a reçu les derniers vœux de plusieurs de ses membres. Le 25 janvier, dernier jour de sa visite, il a été l'Invité d'honneur à l'inauguration du Jesuit Education Project de Timor Est, comprenant un nouveau lycée et une école normale et dont la préparation avait débuté lorsque le P. Nicolás était supérieur majeur du Timor Oriental.

Short Video from East Timor




Arrival_Seoul Meeting with Cardinal YEOM  (Photo by  Br. Stephen KIM) Meeting with Cardinal YEOM ) (Photo by  Br. Stephen KIM) Meeting with Cardinal YEOM  (Photo by  Br. Stephen KIM) Meeting with Cardinal YEOM ) (Photo by  Br. Stephen KIM) Meeting with Cardinal YEOM ) (Photo by  Br. Stephen KIM) Meeting with Cardinal YEOM (Photo by  Br. Stephen KIM) Meeting with Cardinal YEOM (Photo by  Br. Stephen KIM) Meeting with Cardinal YEOM  (Photo by  Br. Stephen KIM) Meeting with Cardinal YEOM (Photo by  Br. Stephen KIM) Meeting with Cardinal YEOM  (Photo by  Br. Stephen KIM) With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Korean Jesuits With Formands With Formands Mass With Collaborators & Benefactors Mass With Collaborators & Benefactors Mass With Collaborators & Benefactors Mass With Collaborators & Benefactors Mass With Collaborators & Benefactors Mass With Collaborators & Benefactors Mass With Collaborators & Benefactors Mass With Collaborators & Benefactors Mass With Collaborators & Benefactors Mass With Collaborators & Benefactors Mass With Collaborators & Benefactors Mass With Collaborators & Benefactors Reception_Sogang Reception_Sogang Reception_Sogang Reception_Sogang Reception_Sogang Korean News Leaving Korea Leaving for East Timor

East Timor

East Timore Welcome East Timore Welcome With the scholastics in East Timor Encounter with the families of our East Timorese Jesuits Encounter with the families of our East Timorese Jesuits Encounter with the families of our East Timorese Jesuits Encounter with the families of our East Timorese Jesuits Encounter with the families of our East Timorese Jesuits Final vows of Fr. Violanto da Costa Soares Final vows of Fr. Violanto da Costa Soares Final vows of Fr. Violanto da Costa Soares Final vows of Fr. Violanto da Costa Soares 20140120_074808 20140120_074825 20140120_075014 20140120_075050 20140120_075405 20140120_075545 Final vows of Frs. Quyen Vu (Australia) and Jlester Maramara (Philippines) Frs. Quyen Vu (Australia) and Jlester Maramara (Philippines) Frs. Quyen Vu (Australia) and Jlester Maramara (Philippines) Frs. Quyen Vu (Australia) and Jlester Maramara (Philippines) Frs. Quyen Vu (Australia) and Jlester Maramara (Philippines) Frs. Quyen Vu (Australia) and Jlester Maramara (Philippines) Frs. Quyen Vu (Australia) and Jlester Maramara (Philippines) Fr General and the Major Superiors of Asia Pacific visiting the Railaco Mission Fr General and the Major Superiors of Asia Pacific visiting the Railaco Mission Fr General and the Major Superiors of Asia Pacific visiting the Railaco Mission Fr General and the Major Superiors of Asia Pacific visiting the Railaco Mission Fr General and the Major Superiors of Asia Pacific visiting the Railaco Mission Fr General and the Major Superiors of Asia Pacific visiting the Railaco Mission Fr General and the Major Superiors of Asia Pacific visiting the Railaco Mission Fr General and the Major Superiors of Asia Pacific visiting the Railaco Mission Fr General and the Major Superiors of Asia Pacific visiting the Railaco Mission Fr General and the Major Superiors of Asia Pacific visiting the Railaco Mission Fr. General meets a group of parishioners. Fr. General meets a group of parishioners. Fr. General meets a group of parishioners. Fr. General meets a group of parishioners. Fr. General meets a group of parishioners. Fr. General meets a group of parishioners. At the inauguration of the new Jesuit educational initiative in Liquica (Students welcome Fr. General with a traditional dance.) At the inauguration of the new Jesuit educational initiative in Liquica Fr. General and Fr. Mark Raper, the President of JCAP and the Regional Superior of East Timor, welcome the Bishop of Dili. The Provincials in their colorful tais At the inauguration of the new Jesuit educational initiative in Liquica At the inauguration of the new Jesuit educational initiative in Liquica The commemorative plaque. At the inauguration of the new Jesuit educational initiative in Liquica The dancers. The General and the Emcee. 2014-01-25 11.21.46 Fr. General with Fr. Plinio Martins, the director of the high school, and the students. The view at Montserrat Atop Montserrat, a pensive Fr. Mark Raper At Airport