The Jesuit Curia in Rome


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Visit to Austria:

From 7 to 9 June, the Austrian Province of the Society celebrated the 450th anniversary of its foundation in 1563. The first Jesuits came to Vienna even earlier: in 1542 Nicolás Bobadilla arrived with the army of the emperor, and Peter Canisius went there in 1552 with a group of Jesuits. Indeed, Canisius spent several years in Vienna. He was busy revitalising Catholic life during a very critical period of its history there. He involved himself in a number of pastoral ministries. He was preacher, visitor to the sick and prisoners, and even vicar general for one year. He began to write his catechism in Vienna. Claude Jay was the first Superior in the Austrian capital, the town in which he died. Today, Austria's Jesuits had prepared a three day programme to mark the celebration with their friends. The theme of the celebration was: "450 Years of Jesuit Presence in Austria: Companions of Jesus Collaborating for the Good of All." Father General participated in some of the festivities. These included workshops, conferences, and meetings. The various apostolic initiatives of the Province were highlighted. There was an evening of vigil prayer for groups of young people. A cultural evening was held in the auditorium of a theatre which used to belong to the old Society, and which was recently renovated by the State. Father General, in the presence of Jesuits, friends and collaborators, guests and representatives from University, Church and State, presided at a solemn Mass in St Stephen's cathedral. The theme of the festival celebrated both the past and future apostolic direction of the Province: Companions of Jesus collaborating for the good of all. For more information: