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2008 Courses at ECCC

The staff of the European Center for Communication and Culture (ECCC) in Warsaw, Poland has set the following schedule for media training courses for 2008.

1. Communication Strategies in Crisis Situations
Dates: 31 January - 5 February 2008
The course is aimed at people responsible for creating the public image of Christian institutions, their internal and external communication, contacts with the media. The course working language - Russian.

2. Development of Practical Skills of a Modern-Day Journalist
Dates: 26 February - 6 March 2008
The course is aimed at journalists who wish to improve their skills of preparing text, sound and audio-visual materials for various media. The course working language - Russian.

3. Good News And The News Industry
Dates: 25 March - 3 April 2008
The course will help journalists prepare good and professional news about faith-related issues. It will also show Christian dimensions of various events which should be considered in the news. The course working language - Russian.

4. The Media at the Service to the Church
Dates: 1 - 7 May 2008
The course will be aimed at people responsible for the media policy of Christian institutions; creators of religious and social media who are looking for proved ways of supporting the mission of the Church through the media both in internal communication and in the public sphere. The course working language - Russian.

3. E-Learning - New Prospects for Christians' Formation in Eastern Europe
Dates: 17 - 23 June 2008
The course is aimed at people responsible for catechetical and theological formation. The course working language - Russian.

For more information please check the web-pages, and feel free to contact ECCC for further information. We are changing our e-mail address to: and setting up our new skype account:
You may be interested to update contact information in Your database.

Fr. Robert Wawer SJ - Director of ECCC
Fr. Artur Kolodziejczyk SJ - ECCC Media Programs Director

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