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Répertoire des publications jésuites

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Título País Idioma Descripción
Aggiornamenti Sociali Italy Italiano

Aggiornamenti Sociali è un mensile di ricerca e d'intervento sociale, di ispi...

America United States of America English Published by the Jesuits of the United States...
Appunti di Spiritualità Italy Italiano Un po’ di storia: nascita ed evoluzione della rivista ...
Apuntes Ignacianos Colombia Español La revista “Apuntes Ignacianos” aparece en el contexto del año ignaciano 1991, e...
Australian Catholics Australia English Since 1993, Australian Catholics has been sharing the stories of Australians, bo...
Blueprint for Social Justice United States of America English BLUEPRINT is published monthly from September through May by the Twomey Center f...
Boletin de Espiritualidad Paraguay Español “Santos Mártires”
(Limpio, Paraguay)

Boletín de Espiritualidad Argentina Español El Boletín de Espiritualidad se inicia en el año 1968 como una iniciativa de la ...
Brotéria Portugal Portugues ...
Bulletin de Liaison Haiti Francais ...
Cahiers de Spiritualité Ignatienne Canada Francais Chercher et servir Dieu au coeur du monde, tel est le fondement à partir duquel ...
Cardoner Belgium Francais Tijdschrift voor ignatiaanse spiritualiteit uitgegeven door de Vlaamse en Nederl...
Chinese Cross Currents - Shenzhou Jiaoliu China English Established in 1999 at the time of the Macau handover to direct Chinese adminis...
Choisir Switzerland Francais ...
Christ Source de Vie France Francais ...
Christus France Francais Christus
Revue de formation spirituelle
Fondée par des pères jésuites ...
Christus Mexico Español CHRISTUS es una revista de teología y ciencias sociales cuyo fin es de proveer r...
Company United States of America English ...
Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education United States of America English Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education is published by the National Seminar on...
Croire Aujourd'hui France Francais Abonnements : Assas Editions
Autorisation 13
75083 Paris Cedex 08
Cuadernos de Espiritualidad Chile Español Inicio - objectivos

Cuadernos de Espiritua...
Cuadernos de Espiritualidad Ecuador Español Director de la Publicaeión
Miguel A. Rui-Wamba sj.

Consejo de Red...
Cuadernos de Espiritualidad Peru Español CEI- PERÚ

La revista se fundó el año 1977, estamos a punto de cumplir ...
Diakonia Nicaragua Español DIAKONIA, es una publicación trimestral publicada por el Centro...
Eides Spain Español Los objetivos iniciales de la revista

- Año ...
Envío Nicaragua English Our magazine was born in February 1981, a year and a half after the triumph of t...
ESTUDIOS ECLESIASTICOS Spain Español Revista Teológica de investigación e información, 1922 ss....
Etudes France Francais ...
Eureka Street Australia English

Eureka Street has been a monthly, and briefly bi-monthly, print magazine for ...

Europe Infos Belgium English Monthly review by COMECE (Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European...
Forum Philosophicum Poland English Forum Philosophicum is an international peer-reviewed scholarly journal devoted ...
Geist und Leben Germany Deutsch Geschichte und zukünftige Aufgabe

Die Zeitschrift GEIST UND LEBEN umfa...
Hakimani Kenya English A social justice journal published by the Jesuits of Eastern Africa...
ICADE Spain Español Revista de las Facultades de Derecho y Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales...
Ignatian Imprints United States of America English A publication of the Maryland Province Jesuits...
Ignaziana Italy Italiano Quando questa presentazione arriverà tra le mani del lettore, Ignaziana sarà sta...
Ignis: South Asian Journal of Spirituality India English Ignatian Spirituality Periodical: South Asia

Il Gesù Nuovo Italy Italiano ...
Il Messaggio Italy Italiano È la rivista storica dell'Apostolato della Preghiera, da sempre portavoce della ...
Indica India English INDICA has been published half-yearly, in March and September, since 1964 and sp...
Interacción Colombia Español ...
International Philosophical Quarterly United States of America English International Philosophical Quarterly has provided a peer-reviewed forum in Engl...
ITAICI Brazil Portugues Itaici- Revista de Espiritualidade Inaciana é uma publicação de Edições Loyola (...
Jesuitas Brazil Español A revista Jesuítas foi fundada em 1941, com o nome de Notícias para os Nossos Am...
Jesuitas Spain Español ...
Jesuitas de Mexico Mexico Español ...
Jesuits & Friends United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland English ...
Jezuïeten Netherlands Flemish ...
JIVAN India English Jesuits in India: Views and News M.A. Joe Antony, SJ Editor, Jivan C/o Cultur...
JustSouth Quarterly United States of America English The Institute is a collaboration of Loyola University New Orleans and the Societ...
Korrespondenz zur Spiritulität der Exerzitien Germany Deutsch ...
La Civiltá Cattolica Italy Italiano ...
Madonna Australia English Madonna is a magazine of spiritual reading for lay people. It aims to enhance th...
Manresa Spain Español Inicio. Objetivos. Público

• Comienza en ene...
Mensaje Chile Español Revista Mensaje es un medio de comunicación católico de orientación y opinión qu...
Mensajero Spain English Revista popular, familiar, cristiana. Fundada en 1866. De publicación mensual (e...
MIGRACIONES Spain Español Publicación del Instituto Universitario de Estudios sobre Migraciones....
Mirada Mexico Español ¿QUÉ ES MIRADA?

Es una revista trimestral de los Jesu...
Mirada Global Brazil Portugues

Mirada Global is an electronic mean of communication that combines magazines ...

Miscelánea Comillas Spain Español ...
Mission: Jesuits of the California Province United States of America English Mission is published three times a year by the Jesuits of the California Provinc...
Monumenta Nipponica Japan English ...
New Testament Abstracts United States of America English ...
Nouvelle revue theologique Belgium Francais Sous la responsabilité de jésuites belges et mondialement connue de longue date,...
Obnovljeni život Croatia English Obnovljeni Život is a Jesuit journal for religious culture which, aside from oth...
Orbis Malta English Orbis is a socio-cultural magazine which fosters dialogue and discussion, critiq...
Orientierung Switzerland Deutsch Die Orientierung informiert über theologische, philosophische und literarische V...
Pensamiento Spain Español ...
Philippine Studies Philippines English Philippine Studies is an internationally refereed journal that publishes a wide ...
Polanco Sweden Swedish Första numret av den svenskspråkiga tidskriften Polanco publicerades hösten 2005...
Popoli Italy English Mensile internazionale dei gesuiti, che dura da oltre 90 anni, con temi della pr...
Poslaniec Poland Polish Pos?aniec is the oldest Polish catholic monthly. It is published by the Polish J...
Proceso El Salvador Español

El informativo semanal Proceso sintetiza y selecciona los principales hechos ...

Projet France Francais ...
Promotio Iustitiae Italy Italiano Published by the Social Justice Secretariat of the Curia Generalizia, internatio...
Rassegna di Teologia Italy Italiano Rassegna di Teologia (RdT) è una rivista bimestrale la cui redazione è curata da...
Razón y Fe Spain Español ...
Red Ignaciana Spain Español ...
ReLations Canada Francais ...
Review for Religious United States of America English A JOURNAL SERVING CHURCH LIFE

Review for Rel...
Review of Ignatian Spirituality (CIS) Italy English         The Review of Ignatian Spiritu...
Revista de Espiritualidad Ignaciana (CIS) Italy Español     La Revista de Espiritualidad Ignaciana ofrece un foro in...
Revista de Fomento Social Spain English La Revista de Fomento Social se preocupa por abordar los temas relacionados con ...
Revue de Spiritualité Ignatienne Italy Francais      La Revue de Spiritualité Ignatienne offre u...
Sacred Heart Messenger Ireland English ...
Sal Terrae Spain Español La Revista Sal Terrae nace con vocación de servicio eclesial y social. Espíritu...
Servir Italy English A publication of the Jesuit Refugee Service. Published in English, Spanish, Fren...
SIC Venezuela Español Fundada en 1968, la Fundación Centro Gumilla es el Centro de Investigación y Acc...
Signum Denmark Danish Signum is the one and only Catholic cultural journal in Sweden and covers a broa...
Stimmen der Zeit Germany Deutsch Cultural review published by the Jesuits in Munich, Germany. Founded in 1871. ...
Streven Belgium Flemish ...
Studies - An Irish Quarterly Review Ireland English ...
Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits United States of America English Origins

The first issue of he review appeare...
Synchrona Bemata Greece Greek ...
Távlatok Hungary Hungarian a magyar jezsuiták folyóirata ...
The Modern Schoolman United States of America English ...
The Way United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland English The Way was first published in 1961. When it was launched, Fr General Janssens d...
The Windhover Philippines English The Philippine Jesuits magazine, available online in PDF format...
Theological Studies United States of America English United States of America city/ Milwaukee Descrip/

A Jesuit-sponsored journal ...

Theology Digest United States of America English THEOLOGY DIGEST offers condensations of recent significant articles selected fro...
Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection India English ...
Vie Chrétienne France Francais ...
Viera a zivot Slovenia English ...
Zycie Duchowe Poland Polish Kwartalnik
1."?ycie Duchowe" po raz pierwszy uka...